Darynyck – The Chaotic LP

New post title format – how evolutionary!

Today’s review is of Darynyck‘s newest release; The Chaotic LP.  Daryn and Nyck switch lead vocals and instruments throughout album, and all the songs were recorded by the two in various basements and attics.

Listening to this album, it would probably lead you to believe that Darynyck are heartbroken and depressed individuals. It’s a stark contrast to their live performances, where they are cheerful, fun, and very personable.  The songs on The Chaotic LP are beautiful in their simplicity, and absolutely gorgeous in the feelings they evoke in the listener. These are themes that most people have felt at one point or another, but are difficult to put into words.  Darynyck has found a way to express and deliver these themes and feelings in a surprisingly upbeat style that manages to remain honest without seeming condescending.  I think I love this album.

Make Some Music – A primer on starting a band because, “you’re tired of working for the man.”  I could totally see this song being played on Sesame Street by a band of muppets to teach kids about playing music.  It’s a sweet, fun song that’s just enjoyable to listen to.  It isn’t full of profound or deep lyrics, or overly complicated compositions.  It’s just a couple dudes making music.

Working Hard (Going Nowhere) – Light, fast-paced, with simple arrangements.  The song pretty much asks the listener if it’s all worth it?  Going to college to get a job, working hard, but you never know what’s going to happen, do you?  What is time well-spent?  What is really worth it?  It’s a rhetorical question, obviously, but lyrically this song is a stark contrast to the previous track.

Chaotic – Interestingly, one of the first songs I heard from Darynyck a few years ago. Although the liner notes say it was recorded in 2006, so I guess that shouldn’t be surprising. Acoustic pop with lots going on in the background – tambourine, claps, harmonica.  Nyck sings, with Daryn and guest Gabe; on backing vocals.  I’ve known my share of chaotic women and this song reminds me of all of them. However, I have to wonder; is the behavior really chaotic? Or more like indecisive?

Pure and True – Different style than the previous tunes. Different feel; more like a traditional folk song. The whistling complements the rest of the music; in most other songs by other artists that contain whistling, it is often used as a centerpiece of sorts – and usually sucks.  Not here.  The lyrics remind me… unfortunately they remind me of myself and a past relationship in a lot of ways.  I listened to this song a few times; just reminiscing about the past and how I’m glad I’m sane after all that happened.

Same Old Song – Another simple and straightforward tune with some cool guitar effects that do not overshadow the singing.

Pieces – Jesus, another song that seems to be ripped from my own experiences.  I’m starting to think that Darynyck are telepathic and have scoured my brain.  Or are these themes more universal and shared than I previously thought?  Beautiful song in a tragic way.

Now or Never -Quick tempo, still going along with the theme of complicated love and sad, failing relationships.  Now I’m convinced they’ve been stalking me and taking notes.  This is a gorgeous song, but kind of hurts to listen to, as it strikes too close to home.

Alive – This is another song that is slowed down, downcast in mood, and full of honest feeling. 

Waiting (Did It Again) – “Well it looks like I fucked up, I did it again…”  I think this is the only song with swearing in it, and that conservative usage really adds to the power of the word.  While on the surface it doesn’t seem like it, this song seems bitter to me.  Bitter at the narrators feeling of being at fault, and bitterness at hoping for something better. I may be wrong, but art is up to the interpretation of the audience, right?

New City Lights – A song about moving on.  The singing wraps around the beat rather than being subordinate to timing (which is how 99% of all rock songs are), which is pretty neat.  The music is upbeat and a little quicker in tempo than most of the other songs on the album.

Last A Lifetime – A departure from the styles of the previous songs.  Much more focused on the lyrics and singing, rather than the instrumentation.

Without You, It’s True – The perfect closer for the album.  The last line sums up not only this song, but the entire feeling of the album; “I hope you’ll come around.” 

If I had heard this album a year ago, it would have never left my CD player and I probably would have cried everytime I listened to it.  I know some people who could use the catharsis, and I will be passing this on to them.  Buy this album, borrow it from a friend, just find a way to listen to it. It is well worth it.

One last thing; My favorite Darynyck song is I’m So Sad (which DID help me through a rough patch), unfortunately I’m So Sad is on the Sasquatch Sessions, which is an album I do not have, nor have I listened to. Someday I hope to rectify that.

Darynyck on Sonicbids, Myspace, Youtube, and CD Baby

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Concert Review: Darynyck

Ruby Tuesday, June 26 2008
(Official Website)
Darynyck was playing with the Fancy Lads at Ruby Tuesday. Two bands I haven’t previously seen live (but I have wanted to for a while) and a venue I like. So of course, I had to go.

I was sitting on the patio cooling off when my head started bobbing reflexively to some half heard music coming from inside. The sound was very poppy and joyful. I thought it was the Fancy Lads, as I thought they were first up. I went inside, and lo and behold! It was Darynyck pouring forth the joy!

This being the first time I’ve seen Darynyck live, I wasn’t sure what to expect. How could two guys perform the rich tones and sounds I’ve heard on recordings in a live concert? Ok, the only recordings I’ve heard have been on their Myspace site and their official band website. And we all (should) know by now how sucky Myspace’s compression is, combined with MP3 ‘quality’ sound. But those MP3 Myspace recordings sound good. However, I reviewed 4 of their songs already so back to the show.

The stage lights were bright at Ruby Tuesday. So bright that the band had to ask the people in charge to turn ’em down. From an audience standpoint, one of the things I like about Ruby Tuesday’s is that the stage is lit up while the audience area is dark. Think about it, how many other places around town are actually like that? A lit up stage and purposely darkened audience area? no strobes or disco balls? It’s like being in a theater.

Like other bands I’ve seen and liked (foid, for example), Daryn and Nyck exchanged instruments for different parts of the set. This exchange didn’t slow the pace of the show or ruin the mood either. That’s a pretty good feat to pull off.

At one point, Nyck (I’m pretty sure it was Nyck, if I’m mistaken, I apologize) played a cornet while drumming. Literally. Now, it wasn’t like he was blasting out some Louis Armstrong while beating out some Neil Peart drums, but the fact that he kept a beat with the drum AND played a cornet at the same time impressed both me and my date.

Speaking of my date, she was, in her own words, “swooning” for the band. The non-offensive but thoughtful lyrics and happy and rich music, as well as the two dudes’ winning stage personalities made them a great band to see live.

After a somewhat stressful and tiring day, a cold beer and some Darynyck was the best possible way to relax.

My only regret was that I had to leave immediately after the last song (Chaotic, one of the songs on the 4 Song Review I wrote earlier) and missed the Fancy Lads (and missed picking up Darynyck’s CD too).

4 Song Review: Darynyck

Darynyk (Band web site) (Myspace)

[Disclaimer: I hate to admit this, but these guys might be too good for me to review. Aw hell, i’ll try i guess. – TR]

no time
Starts slow with an acoustic guitar and soft, earnest vocals. This song makes me feel sad and introspective. Song slowly builds as electric guitar and bass are introduced. God, I want a beer to weep into. What have I been doing with my life? Daryn and Nyck’s vocals complement each other. very nice tune.

thankfully more rocking than “no time.” This is a bit more light-hearted and straight-forward. “Oh, you got it.” Yeah, you do. Did I hear claps? Dang, I like songs with clapping in ’em. Makes me happy.

Geez, I was unprepared for the word, “Fuck” in this song because I don’t recall any swearing in any of the other songs. This is a break-up song. And a damn good one at that. I’m really diggin’ the harmonica and the vocals. Actually, I like everything about this song.

people get together
this song is like a mash up of every single 60’s everyone-be-happy song ever written. Tambourines and bell-bottoms, sideburns and Lennon sunglasses. A very happy song.

Dang it, I’m not used to having nothing to complain about. Damn you Darynyck! I’m going to go reread my review of Avionix to return myself to a more comfortable pissed-off state.