Concert Review: Darynyck

Ruby Tuesday, June 26 2008
(Official Website)
Darynyck was playing with the Fancy Lads at Ruby Tuesday. Two bands I haven’t previously seen live (but I have wanted to for a while) and a venue I like. So of course, I had to go.

I was sitting on the patio cooling off when my head started bobbing reflexively to some half heard music coming from inside. The sound was very poppy and joyful. I thought it was the Fancy Lads, as I thought they were first up. I went inside, and lo and behold! It was Darynyck pouring forth the joy!

This being the first time I’ve seen Darynyck live, I wasn’t sure what to expect. How could two guys perform the rich tones and sounds I’ve heard on recordings in a live concert? Ok, the only recordings I’ve heard have been on their Myspace site and their official band website. And we all (should) know by now how sucky Myspace’s compression is, combined with MP3 ‘quality’ sound. But those MP3 Myspace recordings sound good. However, I reviewed 4 of their songs already so back to the show.

The stage lights were bright at Ruby Tuesday. So bright that the band had to ask the people in charge to turn ’em down. From an audience standpoint, one of the things I like about Ruby Tuesday’s is that the stage is lit up while the audience area is dark. Think about it, how many other places around town are actually like that? A lit up stage and purposely darkened audience area? no strobes or disco balls? It’s like being in a theater.

Like other bands I’ve seen and liked (foid, for example), Daryn and Nyck exchanged instruments for different parts of the set. This exchange didn’t slow the pace of the show or ruin the mood either. That’s a pretty good feat to pull off.

At one point, Nyck (I’m pretty sure it was Nyck, if I’m mistaken, I apologize) played a cornet while drumming. Literally. Now, it wasn’t like he was blasting out some Louis Armstrong while beating out some Neil Peart drums, but the fact that he kept a beat with the drum AND played a cornet at the same time impressed both me and my date.

Speaking of my date, she was, in her own words, “swooning” for the band. The non-offensive but thoughtful lyrics and happy and rich music, as well as the two dudes’ winning stage personalities made them a great band to see live.

After a somewhat stressful and tiring day, a cold beer and some Darynyck was the best possible way to relax.

My only regret was that I had to leave immediately after the last song (Chaotic, one of the songs on the 4 Song Review I wrote earlier) and missed the Fancy Lads (and missed picking up Darynyck’s CD too).

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.

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