Ability Scores, Modifiers, and Saves

I constantly tinker with rules. I’ve never found a game system I was 100% satisfied with, and I cut my RPG teeth as game master for possibly the most house-ruled, seat-of-the-pants GM ruling game ever made; Rifts. 20 years later (fuck) and I am still doing it. Albeit with DnDish rules now.

Ability scores are lame. They have two functions; to provide a modifier, and to roll against if the GM can’t think of a better Save option. I have played with many a new player (as in, never played an RPG before) and my group has been playing so sporadically since we are all respected members of society now with important matters to attend to, that the newer folks always forget basic stuff like… what is the difference between and Ability Score and an Ability Modifier. What does each of those do? Where am I? Who are you? And so on.

New Rule: Roll a d8. a 1 = -3, 2 = -2, 3 = -1. Following me? 4 and 5 = 0, 6 = + 1, 7 = +2, 8 = +3
Do that for each ability. Those are your modifiers, without the middleman of rolling a million d6s. Makes it real simple for noobs, as well.

If, during play, you (as GM) can’t figure what Save to use and want a player to make an Ability save, simply roll above a base of 18, and apply all appropriate modifiers.

I’m thinking of maybe using a Reflex/Fortitude/Willpower save system for simplicity, which would all but eliminate the need for Ability saves, and regular saves too, for that matter. I’m all about simplicity. Maybe still have a DEATH save, as well. Just for old time’s sake. And to remind players that their character’s aren’t invincible or immortal.

Yeah, we’re going to go that route. Saving Throws are as follows. All have a base of 18.

Reflex – Wisdom and Dexterity modifiers combined
Fortitude – Strength and Constitution modifiers combined
Willpower – Intelligence and Constitution modifiers combined
Death – This is just a roll. If somehow you have a bonus to this, you’re pretty awesome.

There are, I’ve found, a lot of people out there who absolutely despise Death saves, or even the very concept of character death. I can see their viewpoint, and I respect it. I’ve played, and had fun, in games of that sort in the past and will again in the future. This is MY game, though. This is how Timmy rolls. If you don’t respect that, then you can fuck off.

Here is a picture of something I thought was cool

Army of God by Draegg

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.

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