
This is something I’ve been fiddling with. Haven’t used it yet and am unsure if I ever will.

I’ve never, ever like Vancian magic in games. I didn’t grow up playing Dungeons and Dragons, so it holds no special place in my heart. It makes no sense to me why a magical dude would just forget how to do something he’s spent his life working on. Does an architect forget how to draw after drawing a floor plan? Does the fighter forget how to fight after killing a goblin? No, of course not. Neither should a magic user.

However, there should be consequences. Casting magic spells takes a lot out of a person, one of the reasons that so few people choose to do it. Magic users don’t forget their spells; instead, they become so physically and mentally drained from casting them, that eventually they’ll collapse unconscious after reaching a threshold.

Spells in my home game cost Hit Points to cast. The number of HP needed to cast a spell is indicated by the spell’s level. A level 1 spell like Magic Missile costs 1 HP to cast.  The Magic skill shows the maximum level of spell that the magic user can cast.  If they cast a spell that would take them below zero HP, they must roll a Constitution save for every level of the spell that would make the character have zero hit points. . If they cast a spell that is a higher level than their Magic skill, they must roll a Constitution save for every level of the spell that is more than their Magic skill. 

So a 1st level magic user with 2 points in the Magic skill and 4 HP can cast four level 1 spells, two level 2 spells,or one level 2 spell and two level one spells, per rest cycle without having to roll a Constitution save. They can cast a 3rd level spell, but will have to roll to save. They can cast a 4th level spell, but will have to roll two successful saves, and will be at exactly 0 HP. They can press their luck and cast a 6th level spell, roll to save 6 consecutive times for being such a powerful spell, AND roll two more saves, because that spell would take them to -2 HP. So eight consecutive saves to cast one sixth level spell at level 1.

Clerical spells work the same, although cleric spells are called prayers and clerics must invoke an higher power who grants them the ability to cast the spell. Functionally though, it’s the same thing.

This gives the character a little more freedom – no longer tied to spell slots and able to theoretically cast spells of any level up to 6th, albeit with possible consequence; like falling unconscious in the midst of battle. That just means the character should save those all-or-nothing spell casting moments for when it really matters.

In the post about skills, I mentioned that magic users can cast spells up to 6th level without help. What does that mean, and what kind of help?

The Magic and Religion skills max out at 6 points. This means that the characters can only cast up to 6th level magic spells on their own, free of consequence other than Hit Point loss. Spells from levels 7,8,and 9 are available; the character can learn them and know them but they will always, no matter what level the character is, require a Constitution save to cast. Unless they get help from other people with at least a single point in magic or religion. If the cumulative skill points equals or betters that which is required for the spell, it can be cast without a savings throw for the main caster, but the secondary casters all must roll to save.

A 7th level magic user with 6 points in the Magic skill, and 28 Hit Points wants to cast a 9th level spell. They have three lackeys/aprentices who each have a single skill point in Magic. Together, they can cast the 9th level spell, but the lackeys must each make 8 consecutive saving throws. The 7th level magic user, being a jerk, distributes the 9 HP damage to the lackeys, instead of taking it themselves.

Waaaaaaaaiiit, what? Damage can be distributed?

Yep. The main caster can choose to take all the damage or distribute it equally among the people helping them to cast a spell. This does not require the other persons permission and there is no saving throw.

Also note that any spell level can be cast with the help of others. Not just high level spells.

Keep in mind that certain magical devices can cast high level spells on their own, certain monsters can too, and some devices can grant a caster the ability to cast higher level spells.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.