Black Powder Firearms for Dungeon Crawl Classics

Black powder firearms for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

[I recommend using the Critical and Fumble Tables from Crawl! magazine No 8.]


These are considered Flintlock weapons for those that care about such things.

[I’m trying to keep things simple and easy.]


It takes 2 rounds (20 seconds) for a Warrior class to reload with no skill check, or 1 round with a skill check. 2 rounds for a non-Warrior with an appropriate background occupation with a d20 skill check, or 4 rounds for an untrained character with a d10 skill check. The DC is 5. Armor Check penalty does apply.

[It’s crazy to me that a lot of firearms rules I’ve seen have essentially been punishing players for using them with outlandishly long reload times. A 1 second google search shows that it takes 15-20 seconds for someone with minimal training to reload a muzzle-loader. ]


Every time a black powder firearm is fired, it accrues a cumulative increase of 1 to their Fumble range on the to-hit roll, unless cleaned between uses.


At short range, increase the Critical Hit Range by one.

Pistol Short <20, Medium <60, Long <100

Musket Short <50, Medium <100, Long <600

Shotgun fires in a cone 80 feet long, 30 feet wide, anyone in cone must make Reflex save for half damage (rounded down)


Firearms ignore 5 points of armor (but not less than the base value) to represent their ability to penetrate armor.

Pistol and Musket: 1d10

Shotgun: 1d6 to each target within the cone.


Pistols and Muskets can be rifled for 2x cost, which doubles each range bracket but increases reload time by 1 round.

Pistol: 50 gold

Musket: 80 gold

Shotgun: 60 gold

One shot powder: 3 silver

Barrel of powder (2500 shots): 150 gold

Bag of shot: 1 gold for 50 reloads

Spare Ramrod: 5 silver (all firearms come with a ramrod included in the cost of the weapon)

Powder horn (holds 50 shots powder): 5 silver, empty.

Cleaning kit: 1 gold

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.