The Primacy

The Primacy
The Primacy is based on expansion and ruled through a strict and formal military bureaucracy that pervades all aspects of life. Because of rapid expansion, massive population growth, and emphasis on military industries instead of agriculture, the Primacy is always in need of food and supplies. This causes the Primacy to constantly raid its neighbors, which also serves as a means of scouting and reconnaissance for future invasions.
The Primus and their subordinates truly believe that subjugating people means bringing order and peace to their lives. That they are doing the conquered peoples a favor by bringing true civilization and law to the lands they invade and the cultures they destroy.
They follow (not necessarily worship) the order and structure of the Modron’s Nirvana. The Empire is structured in the same way as Nirvana.
Think of the Primacy abstractly as a wheel, with the Primus as the central hub. Four spokes reach out from the hub and within those spokes are the realms of the Secondus. Each of those quarters is subdivided into a region ruled by a Quarton. Each of the Quarton’s regions is further subdivided into the sectors of the Octons.
When the occasion arises where a citizen of the Primacy dies, a member of the next lower class is elevated to the newly opened position as a replacement. This usually happens rather quickly as everyone has ranks and sub-ranks and is well aware of their place in society. If a citizen should fail in their duties, then they can be demoted and replaced. In this way, a lowly Monodrone has the potential to become Primus, and even Secondus have the potential to be cast back to the status of a Monodrone if they fail in their duty. Only the Primus is exempt from demotion. Titles and status are not hereditary; all citizens begin as Modrons.
Lower classes –
  • Monodrones: There are innumerable Monodrones, who are could be considered the laborers or serfs of the Primacy. They also serve as a militia force when needed.
  • Duodrones: There are innumerable Duodrones, about one for every six or seven Monodrones. Duodrones act as the lowest ranks in the military.
  • Tridrones: There are one hundred forty five thousand one hundred fifty two  Tridrones and the act as the corporals in the Primacy’s military and police forces.
  • Quadrones: There are twelve thousand six hundred eighty eight Quadrones and they act as the sergeants in the Primacy’s military and police forces. 
  • Pentadrones: There are one thousand three hundred sixty four Pentadrones, and they act as the lieutenants in the Primacy’s military and police forces. 
Sub-ranks of the lower classes.
Due to the number of Monodrones and Duodrones, they are further divided into lesser ranks based on number. A Monodrone rank 2 outranks a Monodrone rank 1, for example. This ranking system is used for organization of work and jobs. A Monodrone or Duodrone does not have to work their way up every sub-rank in order to be promoted to the next major rank.
Upper Classes – these can be considered the nobility of the Primacy. Most of the upper classes have cleric powers of considerable power, and are correspondingly fanatical in their loyalty to the Primacy. Names in BOLDare those that govern territory within the Primacy.
  • Decaton: There are one hundred Decatons; one assigned to each Octon, and one assigned to each Hexton. Decatons oversee the well-being of the lower classes, and act as the voice of the lower classes to relay their needs and wants to the Octons and Hextons. 
  • Nonaton: Nonatons serve as the Captains of the military and police forces. One Nonaton serves each Octon, one serves each of the nine Tertians, and eight report directly to the Primus, for a total of eighty one Nonatons. Each Nonaton has twelve Pentadrone lieutenants, one hundred forty four Quadrone sergeants, and one thousand seven hundred twenty eight Tridrone police.
  • Octon: Octons are regional governors, of which there are sixty four. The lower classes, as well as the Nonatons and Decatons, are the Octon’s responsibility. Each has a personal staff of one Decaton, one Nonaton, five Pentadrones, sixteen Quadrones, eighty one Tridrones, two hundred fifty six Duodrones, and one thousand seven hundred twenty eight Monodrones.
  • Septon: There are forty nine Septons; 8 serve the Primus, four serve each Secondus, one serves each Quinton. Septons are officials who travel throughout their assigned areas as inspectors and charged with transporting/relaying information from outlying areas to the centers of the regions, quarters, and the capital. 
  • Hexton: There are thirty six Hextons, each the commanding general of an army. Nine serve the Primus directly, three serve the Tertians as military police, each Secondus has the services of two Hextons, and the remaining sixteen serve the Quartons. Each has a personal staff of twelve Pentadrones who are fanatically loyal.
  • Quinton: There are twenty five Quintons; five reside within the the palace of the Primus, one with each Secondus, and one with each Quarton. Quintons are record-keepers, inventors, and scholars.
  • Quarton: There are sixteen Quartons, each of whom administers a quarter of a Secundus’ territory. Each Quarton resides in a tower that is similar too, although smaller than, that of the Secondus.
  • Tertian: Tertians are the judges of the Primacy. They supervise law enforcement as well as cast judgement in trials. There are only nine Tertians at any one time. 
  • Secondus: There are four Secundus, who each rule a quarter of the Primacy. Each has a staff of two Tertians, two Hextons, and four Septons. Each Secondus has their own tower that is very similar too, although smaller than, that of the Primus.
  • Primus: The ruler of the Primacy. The Primus is chosen from among the Secundus, by the Secundus. The position is for life. Rules from a massive tower that serves as the capital. 
Species of the Primacy
Hobgoblins created the Primacy and hold most of the upper class positions.  As the Primacy has expanded and new peoples have been brought into it, other species have joined the ranks. All start as Modrons and have the opportunity to work their way up the ranks. Theoretically, any person of any species can become any rank, even Primus.
Magical species are never allowed to be citizens and are driven away or killed when encountered. If they are powerful, they are ignored until overwhelming force can be brought to bear. Elves, faeries, dragons, and the like are considered magical.
While this bureaucratic system works for the Primacy as a whole, there is constant infighting and backstabbing as citizens are promoted or demoted based on influence, favors, friendships, and more. 
The Primacy is not currently located in Strathos, but on a distant continent and launches raiding/scouting missions to Strathos.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.