Skills and Skill points

Skills and Skill Points

Every character has the ability to perform skills. In most cases, character’s aren’t particularly good at any skills, but have at least some chance of success. Skill rolls are only necessary if the Referee determines that there is a chance of failure if attempted. Otherwise, the Player should be able to role play the situation without needing to roll dice.
Skill level is ranked from 1 to 6. All characters start play with a 1 in 6 chance (around 16%) to successfully attempt a skill and is resolved by rolling a d6 and rolling equal to or less than the skill level. Certain skills are affected by a particular Attribute Modifier, and in that case the modifier is subtracted from the die roll, not added to the skill level. If a skill should advance to a 6 in 6 chance of success, then two d6 are rolled, with failure only occurring when double sixes are rolled.
The names of the various skills are:
  • Bushcraft: Bushcraft shows the chances of your character being able to survive in the wilderness through foraging or hunting, and identifying tracks, plants, and animals.
    • A successful Bushcraft check can mean that foraging or hunting for food takes less time and produces higher yields.
    • A character’s Wisdom attribute modifier applies to Bushcraft.
  • Climb: This skill is rolled when a character is climbing under adverse conditions or attempting to scale a vertical surface that would be more difficult than the average person could reasonably attempt.
    • Climbing a tree or cliff with numerous hand and footholds would not require a roll against this skill. Climbing a ladder of any height would also not require a roll.
    • Attempting to scale a cliff face or castle wall with few hand or foot holds would require a roll against the Climb skill.
    • Situational modifiers can be applied, such as having (or not having) proper equipment, being encumbered, the weather, duress, etc.
    • A character’s Strength Modifier applies to Climb.
  • First Aid: This skill is used for minor healing when a safe place to rest is not available. First Aid can only be used on a character once per encounter, or once per injury. Based on the skill created by James Young at
    • On a success, the character can heal a number of Flesh equal to the die roll.
      • For example; if your skill is 3 in 6, and you roll a 2, then 2 points are healed.
    • On a failure, the character takes an additional 1 Flesh damage for every point they failed the roll.
      • For example; if your skill is 3 in 6, and you roll a 5, then 2 points of damage are inflicted.
    • A character’s Intelligence modifier applies to this skill.
  • Language: Language skill indicates the chances of the character to be able to understand a particular language.
    • Every time a new language is encountered, the character rolls against this skill. Success means they know the language.
    • Failure means the character does not know the language and may not roll again for that particular language until the character reaches the next level of experience.
    • A penalty of +3 to the character’s roll is applied for obscure/dead/cryptic languages, and a +2 penalty modifier for exotic languages from other realms.
      • For example; a character has a Language skill of 3 in 6 and rolls to see if they somehow know the language of the Cult of Duvan’ku, which hasn’t been spoken in centuries and was little known when even back then. They roll a 2, but with a +3 penalty, their total roll is 5, which is a failure.
    • A character’s Intelligence attribute modifier applies to Language.
  • Navigation: Navigation is the character’s ability to not get lost while traveling. Following roads and paths does not require a skill check, but travel through the wilderness or on the high seas does.
    • A character’s Intelligence attribute modifier applies to Navigation.
  • Search: Searching is the ability to discover hidden items and clues.
    • Searching a 10ft area takes a single 10 minute Turn.
    • If you fail your roll, you may not search the same area again until your next level of experience.
  • Sleight of Hand: Sleight of Hand includes hiding objects on one’s person, picking pockets, readying a weapon without an observer noticing, and other such actions.
    • A character’s Dexterity attribute modifier applies to Sleight of Hand.
  • Sneak Attack: Unlike other skills, the skill level of a Sneak Attack does not indicate the chances of success or failure, rather, it indicates the amount of damage done in the attack.
    • A single rank in Sneak Attack means 1x normal damage. Two ranks means 2x damage. Three ranks means 3x damage, and so on up to 6x damage.
    • Sneak Attack bypasses Grit and inflicts damage directly to Flesh.
    • A Sneak Attack can only be attempted on an opponent who does not know the attack is coming.
    • Any character, creature, or opponent who is eligible to be the target of a Sneak Attack is also considered to be Surprised for the purposes of the Sneak Attack.
    • There is not an attribute that applies to Sneak Attack.
  • Stealth: Stealth is the ability of the character to move or hide themselves or an object, and remain undetected.
    • Stealth is always considered an Opposed Skill Check (see below). If the situation would not require an Opposed Skill Check, then success (or failure depending on the situation) is considered automatic.
    • A successful Stealth check to sneak up on someone means that they are considered Surprised for your next attack. This also means that a successful Stealth check can lead to a Sneak Attack.
    • A character’s Dexterity attribute modifier applies to Stealth rolls in situations where the character is attempting to physically hide themselves or sneak up on an opponent.
    • A character’s Intelligence attribute modifier applies to Stealth rolls in situations where the character is attempting to hide an object from visual inspection.
  • Streetwise: This skill is similar to Bushcraft but for urban environments. It allows the character to find food, shelter, and people within a city or town.
    • A character’s Intelligence OR Charisma modifier applies to Streetwise.
  • Swim: This skill is used when a character is attempting a difficult feat when immersed in liquid.
    • Attempting to cross a raging river or swim across a pond while while encumbered would require a roll against this skill to avoid sinking and possibly drowning.
    • Attempting to swim a long distance would require a roll against this skill in order to avoid tiring and drowning.
  • Tinker: Tinker is a loose term used to describe the ability to manipulate mechanical objects. This can be used to pick locks, disarm traps, use unfamiliar machinery, build a wrist watch, and similar.
    • A character’s Dexterity modifier applies to Tinker. 

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.