Yon Ape Men Update and Addtitional Material

This is not only a revision of the previous post about the Yon Gorilla People, but has added content in the form of NPC stats, and a separate sub-class of cleric, exclusive to the species.

Yon, or Ape-men, are a species who have created their own civilization in the vast forest that bears their name, the Yonwood.

The yon live on platforms built high up in the trees; trees that grow 100+ feet high with trunks a dozen feet thick.

Physically, they are slightly larger on average than humans, with longer arms than legs, and a fur covered body. Some tribes shave parts of their body and put on body paint, some shave and cover their skin in tattoos. Generally, only warriors shave, and then only shave the parts that would be covered by armor.

Yon wear armor made of giant insect shells; namely beetles and mantis. Full suits of armor are too restrictive, hot, and unwieldy for the furred, tree dwelling species, so armor consists of breastplates, helms, bracers, and wooden shields. These are considered half-suits from the armor rules here.

Their largest export to human realms is honey cultivated from the hives of Giant Bees. Yon beekeepers are able to produce honey with incredible properties. The knowledge to do this is considered a gift from the Yon god, Oogam. Yon beekeepers are shamans with limited cleric powers.

The Yon worship, or at least recognize, a single god who they call Oogam. Oogam is benevelent and provided the Yon with gifts of knowledge and civilization. Oogam has a malevolent counterpart called Boogab, who is the god of the Carnivorous Apes – uncivilized, evil creatures who constantly war with the Yon.

Forged metal items are greatly prized, as the Yonwood is devoid of mines and forges. Favorite weapons are clubs, spears, and blowguns with poisoned darts.

Yon Player Characters use the following:


  • Hit Points: d10 + Constitution modifier.
  • Encumbrance as Dwarf: five additional slots before taking an encumbrance point.
  • Combat Options: Same as Fighter.
  • Skill bonuses: +1 to Open Doors and Bushcraft, +2 Climb. An additional +1 to these three skills at levels 4, 8, 12, and 16.
  • Damage bonus: Yon are stronger than humans and in addition to their bonus to Open Doors, they have a +1 to melee damage.
  • Can wield giant-sized weapons two-handed, and Great Weapons one handed.  
  • Saves as Fighter
  • Experience Points and leveling up are the same as Dwarf. 
  • Alignment: Yon Warriors are Neutral


  • Hit Points: d6 + Constitution
  • Encumbrance is standard.
  • Combat Options are standard for non-fighters.
  • Skill Bonuses: +2 Bushcraft, +2 Climb. Additional +1 at levels 4, 8, 12, and 16
  • Saves as Cleric
  • Choose or roll 3 level one spells from the Yon Spell list. Choose one additional spell every level of experience. Spells available are 1/2 the level of the Shaman, rounding up.
  • Spells cost 2 HP per level of the spell.
  • Wield giant-sized weapons two-handed, and Great Weapons one-handed.
  • Experience Points as Elf
  • Alignment: Yon Shamans are Lawful.

Non-Player Characters

Yon NPCs who follow Oogam use the following:

  • Armor Class: as leather with shield
  • Hit Dice/Hit Points: d8
  • Saves as 0 level Fighter
  • Number of Attacks: 1 with weapon
  • Combat bonus: +1 to hit, +1 damage in melee
  •  Size: Large (8ft tall)
  • Weapons: Great Club, Spear, Blowgun with Poison dart (1 HP dart, save vs petrification)
  • For every 8 Yon warriors, there will be a Captain of 3 HD.
  • For every 36 Yon warriors, there will be a Shaman of 4 HD (d6) with 4 spells from the Yon Shaman spell list

 NPCs who follow Boogab have the following changes

  • Patrols are a mixture of Yon Warriors and Carnivorous Apes in an equal ratio.
  • For every 8 Warriors/Apes, there will be one Shaman of 3 HD with 3 spells.
  • For every 36 Warriors/Apes, there will be one Shaman of 5 HD with 5 spells.
  • For every 64 Warriors/Apes, there will be one Shaman of 7 HD with 7 spells.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.