Spells of the Yon Gorilla People

Yon player characters have limited access to magic spells. These spells reflect their culture, religion, and environment.

Yon are gifted a single spell every level of experience from their god, Oogam. The exact spell is rolled randomly or chosen, but the maximum level of the spell is half the level of the caster, rounding up.

Yon magic costs 2 Hit Points per level of the spell. Magic is draining and tiring to the caster. A level 1 spell will cost 2 hit points, a level 2 spell will cost 4 hit points, and level 3 will cost 6 hit points, and so on. There is no limit to the number of times a day spells can be cast, other than hit points.

The following list contains the spells available to the Yon character. Spells with descriptions are new, spells without description are from the LotFP Rules & Magic book (Grindhouse edition). Yon have a close relationship with Giant Bees, using honey and wax for a variety of uses.

Spell Level One

  1. Melt Bee’s Wax: Range: Touch. Duration: Instant. The caster can instantly melt bee’s wax in their hand, or within a hand held container.
  2. Bee’s Wax Glue: Range: Touch. Duration: Instant. Turns bee’s wax into a powerful adhesive and sealant, able to glue together most types of material. 
  3. Bless
  4. Detect Evil/Good
  5. Protection from Evil/Good
  6. Purify/Spoil Food and Drink
  7. Light
  8. Comprehend Languages
  9. Feather Fall
  10. Mending
  11. Message
  12. Sleep

Spell Level Two

  1. Friend of Bees: Range: Self. Duration: One ten minute Turn per level of the caster. Bees of all types (but not wasps or other stinging insects) regard the caster as a friend and will not attack. They will allow the caster access to their hive and to remove wax and honey. 
  2. Create Candy: Range: Touch. Duration: Permanent. Caster can create hardened candy out of honey. Great for sore throats and a variety of other common ailments. Can turn up to one pound of honey into candy per level of experience.
  3. Cure Light Wounds
  4. Delay Poison
  5. Heroism
  6. Resist Cold
  7. Silence
  8. Detect Invisible
  9. Force of Forbidment
  10. Speak With Animals
  11. Wall of Fog
  12. Wizard Lock – uses bee’s wax as a component.

Spell Level Three

  1. Bless Food: Range: 10 feet. Duration: Permanent. Blessed food is impervious to spoiling magic and doubles the length of time that the food would spoil normally.
  2. Seal Wound: Range: Touch. Duration: Instant. The caster uses melted bee’s wax to seal open wounds. This will stop bleeding and stabilize a wounded individual. The wounded person also heals an additional hit point every 24 hours. 
  3.  Dispel Magic
  4. Magic Vestment
  5. Remove Curse
  6. Sacrifice
  7. Army of One
  8. Gust of Wind
  9.  Light, Continual
  10. Locate Object
  11. Speak With the Dead
  12. Turn Undead

Spell Level Four

  1. Honey Medicine: Range: Touch. Duration: Permanent. Turns honey candy (level 2 spell) into medicinal lozenges. Works the same as Cure Disease and heals d6 Hit Points.
  2. Detect Lie
  3. Divination
  4. Neutralize Poison
  5. Protection from Evil, 10ft radius
  6. Spell Immunity
  7. Charm Monster
  8. Protection from Normal Missiles

Spell Level Five

  1. Commune
  2. Cure Serious Wounds
  3. Dispel Evil
  4. Insect Plague
  5. True Seeing
  6. Hold Animal/Monster/Person

Spell Level Six

  1. Find/Lose the Path
  2. Heal
  3. Word of Recall
  4. Legend Lore
  5. Holy Word
  6. Control Weather
Art by Kolsga

    Author: everloss

    I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.