Updates and stuff

As per the norm, I’m overthinking things.

I’m going to nix my size-level/race determines Hit Points idea, and stick with the classic Class determines HP.

I’m going to revise the Yon Race, making them less powerful, but also removing one of their hindrances.

I’m working on a revised Barbarian class, and the format for the Barbarian will also mean that I will revise the previously posted Fighter and Ranger.

I may get rid of the Ranger entirely as I think it is redundant.

I’m going to go for a more Sword and Sorcery feel for the Strathos setting. Meaning, that magic is going to be more rare, and mostly in the hands of NPCs, rather than player characters.

Along with the Barbarian, I’m also currently reworking the Cleric class and making a new Cleric spell list.

Fungoids are a playable race I’ve been working on for some time. They are a pet project at this point, and I’m kind of in love with them. For a teaser, Fungoids are mushroom people that start at a tiny gnome-like size, and as they increase in level, they get larger and larger, until they become colossal and root themselves into the ground, becoming part of the landscape.

A lot of real life stuff has been happening that has slowed my output, but I’ve been working on all of this as time permits. The lack of posts reflects that.

When all is said and done, I plan on putting everything together into a player’s guide/gazetteer in pdf form.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.