Making Clerics the sole providers of health is kinda sucky. It makes the party think that someone has to be a cleric to be the healer of the group. I don’t like that. I don’t like anyone feeling like they’re forced to pick a class.
So, we need alternatives.
Healing potions are an option, but are so cliche. I did make a healing potion table a long time ago with names and potencies, and tables are always fun.
The other easy option is food. Specifically, lots of food. Like Goku eating after a battle against some alien menace amount of food.
To make it simple, everyone needs to eat a days worth of food. With DnD’s built-in system of rations, this is pretty easy to follow.
Eat a day’s rations, and you stay healthy and happy. Eat two days worth of rations in one sitting, and heal d4 hit points. Eat three days worth and get 2d4 HP, and so on.
This also makes the players take an active interest in keeping track of their rations, something I’ve found just about every player ever fails to do unless pushed by the GM (who has bettter shit to do).
So when a Barbarian goes into battle and loses a lot of hit points, they’re going to have to eat a LOT to regain their HP.
Speaking of Barbarians, that is my next project: a new Barbarian class similar in construction to the previous Ranger and Fighter.