This is my take on the Fighter, made specifically for C&C, and even more specifically for my home game.
It is inspired by this fighter, and because the standard C&C Fighter is so fucking boring that it hurts.
Bonus to hit remains the same: +1 every level.
Experience points remains the same.
Saving Throws are the same: in other words, they are based on ability checks. I list saves separately, though, because I think it is easier to keep track of and everyone is used to seeing saves listed.
Starting money: this will be on a future table because buying equipment takes forever and random tables are fun.
Roll a d20 twice every level, including first, and consult the table. If a result is rolled that isn’t stackable, roll again.
- Reroll a to-hit roll and take the higher roll: 1x per game session, stackable
- Bonus to all saving throws: +1, stackable
- Once per battle the fighter can inspire an ally to receive a single, non-attack action.
- Extra attack against foes with 0 or 1 hit die
- Recognize weapon quality; approximate retail value and at least one fact about the weapon’s history and/or powers, if any.
- Disarm +1, stackable. Need to roll above an 18 to disarm, must be called before roll to hit.
- Bonus of +1 (stackable) to hit from the following list
- From horseback
- with a melee weapon
- unarmed
- with a ranged weapon
- Bonus to damage (choose melee or ranged): +1
- Additional attack per round, to-hit bonus is divided between them.
- Intimidate: +1 stackable, this is an opposed check of Charisma +d20 vs wisdom +d20
- Loyal henchman or animal, stackable
- Strength bonus: +1 to one above racial max. If Strength is full, it goes to Constitution. If Constitution is full it goes to Dexterity up to racial maximum.
- Double damage instead of full damage on a critical hit. Yes, this is stackable.
- Critical range increased to 19, 20. Then 18, 19, 20. and so on.
- Decapitate enemy with a natural 20, if its HD is less than your level.
- Spell use: know one random spell, useable one time only, from spell levels 1-8 at a 15th level proficiency. May only know one spell at a time.
- Attack multiple enemies: your number of attacks equals 1/2 the number of enemies surrounding you in melee (rounding up). Each attack must be used on a separate enemy.
- Through practice, you’ve gotten a +1 bonus to hit while fighting blind. This is stackable.
- Get a bonus of +1 to any single Thief skill. Non-Thieves have to roll an 18 for a skill, regardless of Prime attribute, and level/HD does not apply.
- You hit the hardest. Knock opponent prone on a critical hit. Opposed roll of Strength +d20 vs Strength +d20. Works against same size or smaller. Larger opponents get a bonus of +5 per size level difference.

That’s about it for fighters.