I’m working on setting up to run Maze of the Blue Medusa for my friends. I’m going to use a house ruled Castles & Crusades system. This is part of that system. For expediency, I’m making pre-gen characters.
The neat thing about this, for me anyway, is that a few days ago, I was getting bored with the mundane parts of character creation; namely, starting equipment.
So, I asked the question on G+,
“I’m looking for tables to roll on to quickly come up with starting gear. I have a bunch of pre-gens I have to make and not a lot of time. GO!”
And the first person to answer was Zak S, artist and co-writer of Maze of the Blue Medusa!
He pointed me to a 5th edition hack he made, which you can see here.
Here is my interpretation of it, modified for my own needs.
Characters begin the game with knife, weapon of choice, 25 gold, basic set of clothes, two small pouches, and a backpack.Roll d20 on the table until you get the same thing twice, or the table says otherwise. If you roll and the result gives a choice, choose one and roll again. If you roll that same result again, choose the other thing and roll again. If you roll it a third time, you’re done.1. Padded or animal hide armor2. Leather armor3. Studded leather armor or a hooded cloak.4. Chain mail or a hooded cloak.5. Plate mail or a hooded cloak.6. Medium sized wood shield.7. Long Bow or Heavy Crossbow.8. Short Bow or Light Crossbow.9. Melee weapon of your choice, can be thrown.10. Roll d20 under your charisma. If you fail, take one thing off the list. If you succeed, choose a number of things equal to the difference of your roll and your charisma, then you’re done.11. Tinderbox with flint and steel.12. Mirror or 10 foot collapsable pole13. 50 gold or thieves tools.14. 2d4 torches or lantern with 2d4 oils15. 50 foot of rope or set of 5 assorted color chalks.16. grappling hook or quill and bottle of ink.17. Bedroll or whetstone.18. 20 caltrops or 10 foot chain19. quality religious symbol, or average 100 page blank booklet.20. d4 weeks of rations or a waterskin/canteen.