The last 3 or 4 posts were, as the title implies, half baked ideas. I was writing off the top of my head and then posting it for posterity.
Here’s some more
Context: I am planning on running Maze of the Blue Medusa using Castles & Crusades as the base. My gripe with C&C though is basically everything but the SIEGE System.
The players asked me to make pre-gens and I agreed since it will be expedient.
Same attribute modifiers as in the Players Guide.
Same Rogue modifiers too.
Have twilight vision instead of duskvision.
The very rare Halfling adventurer is considered almost a pariah among regular halflings. Halflings are farmers and workers and take it easy in their spare time with naps and numerous meals. They live in their own communities and only have contact with other peoples through trade with nearby settlements. The myth of fierce warrior halflings is known only among non-halflings, due to many peoples ignorance of halfling culture or active desire to change halfling culture into something it isn’t.
Every now and then though, a halfling finds itself in extraordinary circumstances. Surprisingly, due to their clever natures, natural abilities, and even their innate naivete, they make excellent thieves.
Same stuff as in the Player’s Guide, mechanically speaking.
Elves speak faerie. Don’t remember if it says that in the book or not.
Elves are human bodies, kidnapped just after birth, and inhabited by a spritely spirit. This spirit changes the body on a genetic level into an elf. Faeries do this in order to experience the world as humans do. But since they aren’t human, they get some things wrong. Give them a break, they’re tourists.
That being said, elves and faerie-folk live and play together and instinctively get along.
Faerie-folk and elves are the same. They do not mess with each other.
Elves do not live in cities. Elves do not pray to gods. Elves do not forge steel or plant crops. Elves do not build houses or castles. Elves do not practice civilization as humans know it.
Elves practice druid magic. They aren’t druids though. They’re elves.
They prefer the night time under the moon and stars.
They may or may not wear clothing; depends on the situation or weather.