New Race/Species: Human

Humans come from a land called Dorados, which is almost mythical in stature.

Actual origins:
Colonists from another world, whose ship, “Dorados,” crashed on the planet. Escape pods, or “boats,” as written in lore, brought the survivors to Strathos from the sea.

The original colonists were composed of a wide variety of occupations necessary in their space-age society.

They were able to bring seeds of some vegetables and fruits which managed to thrive on Strathos.

Scientists can make a “magic device,” in the same manner a Magic User learns spells. It takes 1 month per level of device to make a device, as well as a cost equal to that needed by a MU to research a spell (silver/gold, a lab, components, etc)

Humans can be knights, but do not get skills associated with horses. Fighters and Barbarians are the most common fighting-type classes among humans.

Exclusive class:

  • Scientist

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.