I came across the Really Good Dog class at Goblin Punch and thought it was brilliant! Doesn’t really fit into my game, so I used it as inspiration for the following.
Dogs came to Strathos with human refugees. The two species share a close and special bond, unknown among other species. Humans and dogs are so intertwined that both share equal status within their kingdoms; with dogs living within all social strata and full rights, unlike any other species.
Dogs on Strathos are more intelligent than those on Earth, averaging just below humans in intelligence and wisdom.
Dogs mainly find employment as soldiers, guards, constables, hunters, wardens, scouts, and laborers. There are, however, many instances in history of dogs being accomplished philosophers, theologians, and scientists. However, they must dictate their ideas to humans to create and build physical objects.
There are dog noble houses with the same prestige as human nobility. Just as with humans, these houses are mostly old and founded by warriors uplifted by a liege lord.
Alignment-wise (if you’re into that sort of thing) dogs have the same range as humans.
While their vocal cords are unable to provide human speech, they are fully able to understand and learn other languages; at the same time, dog language is varied and coherent enough to be learned by others.
Dogs are limited in function mainly by their lack of hands; they cannot use tools or weapons or accomplish many tasks that humans take for granted.
Depending on the race of dog, they have certain natural gifts better than other races of dog. All dogs, however, share certain characteristics.