Intelligent, playable, species for Castles and Crusades

Stuff I’m working on. Goes with the races I posted long ago, which are badly in need of updating.

  • Gnome – tiny people with funny hats, three apples high, live in hidden villages within the wooded hills of the mid-continent. Gnomes of different villages wear different styles of hat.
  • Hooman – non-natives to Strathos, live in a dozen or so petty kingdoms around the largest river delta. Hoomans come in the largest variations of size and internal race, due to being the vestiges of a massive and chaotic evacuation from another continent called, Dorados.
  • Kaejor – Large human-like beings who live in a single area of Strathos, on a peninsula far from other nations. Their young adults are pushed out to explore the world around them, and return when they are older.
  • Kankoran – Canine-like humanoids who live in small, migratory clans in the vast northern forests.
  • Kobolds – Masters of an extensive subteranean empire that trades with every corner of the continent. It’s actual size is unknown to surface dwellers.
  • Orc – Large migratory tribes who follow massive animal herds, raiding and ransoming as often as trading with others.
  • Troglodyte – Amphibious subteranean people who are respected members and the outside face of the kobold empire.

I prefer to use the term “Species,” rather than the more common ‘race,’ because these beings are of different species. Within these species are different races. Hoomans should be obvious, but Kankoran have several different races based on their local environment. Orcs can notice different racial traits within their people but outsiders generally cannot. Kobolds and Troglodytes are rarely seen on the surface, but variations within those two species have been seen. Kaejor and Gnomes seem to be single race species, with no variations recorded.

In case you don’t know, Kaejor, Kankoran, and Troglodytes are from Palladium Fantasy, which also inspired the Kobold species, since Kobolds in Palladium are WAY cooler than in DnD.

I’ll post up stats later in the week.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.