Wow. Been a long time.

I’ve been posting game stuff on facebook groups, two different tumblr blogs, and even Twitter for a little bit.

Stopped using Twitter because it is full of terrible people saying terrible things in a gigantic circle-jerk. Twitter is used by two kinds of people sadists and masochists. I am neither.

Tumblr is great for finding and posting art and thoughts, however it is absolutely terrible for organizing or looking up past posts. I will still keep one of those blogs for finding writing inspiration and ideas.

Facebook has limited reach, and frankly, I want to use it as little as possible and for things that aren’t related to gaming (other than events).

So here we are. Dusting off the old game blog that I used for two posts about a Castles & Crusades campaign that fizzled and died.

My plan is to use this channel to post my own ideas about tabletop role playing games, in the forms of setting material and mechanics. I will also post whatever game-related stuff I find interesting.

The things I will post are for me. I post them publicly because maybe someone else can find utility in them. Under no circumstance is anything I post an end-all, be-all “this is how it has to be,” kinda bullshit that a lot of other bloggers like to post. I find that level of arrogance to be fatiguing. 

My name is Tim. I also go by everloss. That’s it for now.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.