Kendrick Lamar and diss raps

I listened to Kendrick Lamar’s “diss” rap to, let’s face it, all the other shitty rappers out there today, the day after it was released. And it was weak. Incredibly weak. No secret that I think Lamar is unbelievably overrated. But that wasn’t a diss rap. If it was, then rap is at it’s lowest point ever right now. Tupac’s Hit ‘Em Up was a diss rap. Ice Cube’s No Vaseline was a diss rap. Cypress Hill’s No Rest for the Wicked was a diss rap. Every single thing Eazy E released was a diss rap. Kendrick Lamar rapped some bullshit with every other word being “nigga” and the industry is falling all over itself. Fucking pathetic. I’m supposed to believe that Drake is a hardcore dude? Uh, yeah. okay. What next, Chief Keef is the next savior of hip hop?

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.