Starlight Girls

Starlight Girls are a female fronted four piece group from Brooklyn, New York who play music that fuses different genres from previous decades into something new.

Yeah, I know what you are thinking. I thought it too before I started listening to this EP.

Hipster douche baggery.

I can’t say anything about them personally, but I do know this…

This is great music!

Starlight Girls sound like the soundtrack for a B-Movie sci-fi/horror flick from the ’50s mixed with 60’s surf rock with some jazz flute thrown in. Organs, flute solos, breathy vocals; it all melds perfectly together for a uniquely pleasurable listening experience. My first thought was that it would be great to put on a mix tape for a Halloween party. But after listening more and more, I feel it’s good for anytime; sticky-hot Summer nights, frozen Winter spiced-rum parties… there is a lot of stuff going on in the music that evokes different things. It’s not terribly, technically amazing; but the composition is neat. I hear new and different things each time I listen.

Unfortunately, their only Ohio tour date is towards the end of March in Cincinnatti. I don’t know, maybe Columbus (the “Indie Art Capital” of the Midwest, with the largest college in the country) should be amended into that tour. Just sayin’. I mean, Kobo or Circus or Ace of Cups would be absolutely great places for Starlight Girls to play. Hint Hint

Here are a couple tracks (posted with permission)

and a video!!!

Starlight Girls – Gossip from Black Sundays on Vimeo.

Starlight Girls are releasing a 7″ EP on February 1st. I hope to get my grubby hands on a copy.

They also are working on a full-length album to be released… sometime. I’m not sure if a date has been announced yet.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.