Shows this weekend


The lovely Salty Caramels are going to make Happy Hour at Woodlands Tavern happier than ever.

Following the Salty Caramels; Erika Carey, the Spruce Campbells, Marvin the Robot, and the Glass Winged Sharp Shooters finish the night at Woodland Tavern

At Circus; Dirty Girls, George Elliot Underground, Nathan Kalish and the Wildfire, and Hotel War perform in a TRIO production.

Kobo presents Bicentennial Bear, SPD GVNR (I love that name), and Vanity Theft


Skully’s and TRIO present Burglar‘s CD Release show, with the ever-present Phantods, and Two Cow Garage.

The Briar Patch presents Verner Caliper who have one of the best flyer/posters I’ve seen in a while.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.