Spruce Campbells – The Lessons We Learned From Ghosts

Jason of the Spruce Campbells told me this is their “pop” EP.  While it is certainly more poppy than their previous two EP’s, it can’t really be called poppy compared to the conventional wisdom’s idea of pop music sound. Just like their previous two EP’s, this one is full of gorgeous music that sounds both strikingly familiar yet substantially different than anything you’ve heard before. They are playing at Skully’s tomorrow night, which is the official release of this EP. I recommend you go and buy it along with their previous two EP’s – you will love them.

Star Girl -Very catchy. Probably the catchiest song on the record.  Lyrically, it isn’t particularly poignant, but I doubt that it’s meant to be. Jason’s vocals are reminiscent of Crash Test Dummies, while Chelsea’s have that sexy, smokey sound; they compliment each other perfectly. There is only one hiccup in the song – after the third verse, “gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, HEY!” doesn’t seem to really fit; at least to my ears. It by no means ruins the song, I just don’t care for that line.

Hell O’s – I love the opening guitar, and the drumming is definitely poppy (and good). The conversational style of the singing should be trademarked by The Spruce Campbells – I really like how Chelsea and Jason go back and forth with the lyrics. Jason asked me which song I think should be the single, and I pick this one. It just seems so accessible and (ignoring the lyrics only because they are kind of depressing) is simply a fun tune to listen to. Which actually gives the song layers of depth you don’t hear much anymore – a fun, happy sounding song with sad, buzzkill lyrics. Nicely done, and well played sirs and madam.

With You – This song has a distinct 50’s pop sound. Like it could be played during the school dance in Back to the Future. I wonder what it would sound like with 3 female back-up singers. They could be named “The Sharlene’s,” and stand 6 feet behind Chelsea and wave their hands in front of them while they sing. Listening to this makes you want to go necking with your steady in the front seat of a Dodge at the dead end of Lover’s Lane.

A Farewell – The counterpart to With You, A Farewell sounds more like the general sound of the first EP than the other songs on this disc. This is a death song; two lovers saying their final goodbyes. It is sadly sweet, and probably the deepest, lyrically, of the songs on the record. This is also my favorite song out of the four (followed closely by With You). Jason sings lead, with Chelsea backing in a beautifully soft undertone.

The Spruce Campbells around the internet:
Bandcamp – listen to the album for free

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Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.