Album Review: Sunset Ammunition by Miclordz & Sauce Funky

the bands myspace site
official site

I was at a Lackluster show and these dudes opened for them. I got a CD from them and told them I would review it. That was last Spring. It took me that long to finally work up the nerve to put this in my CD player. I wasn’t disappointed. Not because it is better than I expected, but because it is exactly what I expected. With a name like Miclordz & Soul Funky, there is very little room for doubt about the caliber of what I have put myself through.

I’ll just do a song-by-song summary.

Intro: the bands’ friends giving testimonials about how much “they make me move,” “make girls shake their ass,” and my favorite; “Mic Lordz & Sauce Funky are the past, the future, and most importantly, Mic Lordz & Sauce Funky is NOW.” and the whitest guy in the world saying, “the sickest funky beats!” Hilarious.

Start the Show: fast song about “let’s start the show.” Really digging the drums in this. This song is basically about how awesome the band is, how the ladies “get laid like futons,” and something about women having sex with them because “we’re number one!”

Funk You Up: this song reminds me the Kottonmouth Kings or the Phunk Junkeez. Not just reminds me of them, this could be a cover of either of those two bands.

First I’m Gonna…: Starts off with individual members of the band explaining how they think about music, the music industry, mainstream music, in previously recorded interviews. Song starts pretty slow, but picks up some steam around 40 seconds in. This is what could be considered the ‘introspective’ song of the album. Lyrically it is about “duckin’ drama,” and dedicating oneself to living life. The phrase, “going to see better days,” is repeated throughout.

Roll With Me: Begins with a guy listening to his voice mail messages. Some cool guitar gets ruined by some Fred Durst imitation raps. “Two shorties (dats right), gotta blunt with a bag, split it up like the jack pot. And now we smoke till we choke, I provoke to get up in that backseat (hopin’ I can poke).” For some reason they slow the song to morose levels then surge again with more rap-rockin’.

Why U So?: Once again the voice mail messages. The first is from some ho who expected the band to pay her tab because they are rock stars. The second message is a bar manager calling to tell them they didn’t pay their tab. The third is another ho who says she wants to go out but has no money and wants them to pay for her. The music once again the Phunk Junkeez, the chorus goes, “why U so, why U so, Why U so MONEY HunGRY!” More mentions of smoking reefer. Ha! they say something about “hungry skeeza’s” which is one of my favorite expressions.

All My People: Now it is the political do-gooder interview excerpts. You know the ones, where the person who is speaking talks earnestly and vaguely about people on the “other side of the world” who suffer because of “us.” Someone else chimes in about fighting the power or something, then another person says that music (I’m guessing the music of Miclordz & Sauce Funky) will bring the world together in peace. The actual song that follows is pretty much the same; but with rap-rock instead of spoken-word.

Rebelling… (R.A.P.E}: Begins with a skit about a girl getting a ride home from work from some dude. The dude says he wants to hook up, the girl says she just wants to be friends. The dude tries to kiss her, she says no, and then he apparently tries to rape her. Remember the Date Rape Song by Sublime? Remember how Sublime tempered the subject material of the song with comical justice and a fresh, fun musical style? This song has none of that. It’s depressing – for a “funk” band, a party band, why the hell would you write a depressing song? Do the frat dudes who listen to you really want to hear this?

Intervention: I’m really trying, but I have no idea what this song is about. If they made this into an instrumental jazz song, it would be worth listening to.

Smooth: Another Limp Bizkit-esque tune, with a jazzy-funky back beat. Apparently about a woman who is smooth.

We Get Live: Once again, a track that starts with pre-recorded interview soundbytes of the band talking about how great they are. I’m getting tired of this. This is like a Fred Durst-Red Hot Chili Peppers mash-up. I hate to keep mentioning Limp Bizkit, but god-damn, it’s everywhere in these songs. People stopped listening to that shit years ago. And furthermore, even the Chili Peppers stopped doing the funk-rock thing like 15 years ago. This is just tired, unoriginal, bland, gimmicky, trite, lame, boring music. Obviously made for frat boys and sorority sluts who like anything soulless as long as it gives the illusion of depth.

Dirty: meh, fuck it. I don’t care anymore.

Sunset Doze: Oh WOW! More soundbytes of the band speaking!

Sauce Funky, may I suggest two things? First, drop the Miclordz. Get them drunk, toss ’em out of the van, and drive off. Second, stop trying to revive rap-rock. It is a genre that should have began and ended with Rage Against the Machine. No one has ever been able to improve on that. Limp Bizkit sucked, Fred Durst sucked, the Phunk Junkeez sucked, and everyone else who has tried it has sucked. You want to call this “funk-rock” or something equivellant, but it’s not. It’s rap-rock. And it needs to die.

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Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.

23 thoughts on “Album Review: Sunset Ammunition by Miclordz & Sauce Funky”

  1. Sounds horrible. I think the thing that separates Rage from other rap/rock nu-metal bands is that there's really not that much rap in their stuff (at least not when I think of them). I would even say there's more rock or metal than anything. I've noticed that all the other rap/rock combos try to play up the rap side too much and it just sounds silly b/c they're all white guys.

  2. The dude who wrote this review is a fucking idiot…yes I agree the album could do without the voice recording before each track. But the songs themselves are awesome…The Mic Lordz and Sauce Funky put on a rediculas live show, and they will be going places in the next couple years…I guarantee that!

  3. I am pretty much puzzled after reading this review. I've had the album since it's release and it's solid all the way through. The review comes off as blatent hate!!! Sorry i don't agree with it.

  4. At least their lyrics are spelled correctly and do not contain grammatical errors.Proof reading might be an idea.

  5. Ok. The next time you choose to do a "song-by-song review" you should try a little harder to finish what you started AND try to avoid blatant laziness and spelling errors. I mean, making music is the bands' job right? Yours is writing so who really did their job here? You practically left 4 songs blank (Smooth, Intervention, Dirty, Sunset Daze) You hardly "reviewed" anything worth reading, and we got it the first time… you like RAGE and you don't like Limp Bizkit. The other hundred times was redundant and boring. My favourite part of it all is the title "Album Review: Sunset Ammunition by Miclordz & Sauce Funky" followed by "With a name like Miclordz & Soul Funky…" in the first paragraph. It is clear that you don't get the music AT ALL. With all of the typos in this "review" I'm surprised you still have a job. Better luck next time.

  6. I didn't see any grammatical errors. maybe all these frat kids are too busy sucking mic lord dick to go to the English class their mommy's and daddy's pay for.

  7. Typos? ah, you must mean the DIRECT QUOTES FROM THE LYRICS.

    Nice to see that this band's fans are so hardcore about their devotion that they have to post anonymously.

    If you actually read the review; I gave high marks to the music, and lambasted only the rapping. 'Cause the rapping is terrible, dated, unoriginal, and boring.

    I also mentioned Rage Against the Machine ONE time, not hundreds as one of the Anonymous posters (probably on of the Miclordz) attempts to implicate.

    If you don't want to be compared to Limp Bizkit, then I recommend not trying to emulate them.

    Lastly, when I unfortunately bought this album from the band (they asked for $10!!! I gave them $5), they asked me to review it and said they didn't care if it was a good or bad review, they just wanted publicity. One of them even chimed in and said, "yeah, we're whores."

    So thanks for boosting my site's traffic, Anonymous posters. I love you all.

  8. "It is clear that you don't get the music AT ALL."

    Um, really? What's to get? Is there some deep existential meaning behind, "Funk you up?" I'm pretty sure all there is "to get" is about as subtle as a naked pedophile on a playground… and about as interesting to listen to as that would be to look at.
    My girlfriend bought their CD, essentially because she was pressured to at one of their shows. I should mention that we weren't there to see them. However, after seeing them live, even though we weren't impressed, we thought we'd give them a shot. Plus, it seemed like they really needed the money. So, two CD's for $5 is a great deal right? Well, not if you're looking for something you'll enjoy listening to for years to come. After reading this review I finally opened the damn things, the show was about six months ago, and I couldn't agree with the reviewer more.
    What really puzzles me is that there's some broken, or perhaps uber-retarded, fraction of society that believes frat-funk is still at all interesting (if it ever was). Limp Bizkit did it better, and they suck. The only bands to ever try their luck with this tired mess, and actually become well known and respected for it, are 311 and RATM… and what was that, 15 YEARS AGO?
    I just wish there were sound clips of the songs. Though, since it seems all of the family members and girlfriends have already had their say on here, there won't be much else to point out.

    Seriously," you wanna "Funk me up?" That's where the line between rapping and raping blurs.

  9. "The dude who wrote this review is a fucking idiot…The Mic Lordz and Sauce Funky put on a rediculas live show."

    Really? Might consider spell-check before calling someone an idiot eh?
    To the fan who points out, "You practically left 4 songs blank (Smooth, Intervention, Dirty, Sunset Daze)…" The review mentions them, but just alludes to the fact that they're really not WORTH mentioning.
    Sorry haven't listened to the album. I just saw them live once. I don't need a poor review to tell me this genre is dead.
    The review seems appropriate though. I didn't notice any glaring "grammatical" error aside from the capitalization of the first letter in a sentence being ignored repeatedly. But otherwise, it reads like an online blog/review. Sentence fragments? Sure! Who cares?

  10. MLSF has come a long way from the band I first met. Their sound continues to change and grow into bigger and better things. And I admire their hard work and dedication.
    Its nice to see a group work so hard to make their dreams come true. And I am happy to support them along the way
    Their Live shows are entertaining which is more than you can say about most groups, although I will admit that their sound isn't always clear.
    The CD: Sunset Ammunition – is a great CD. I love all the intro's. But I will say that as a friend and a fan, I do not like or agree with there song R.A.P.E., it in my personal opinion that it does not represent the band or its members, and should have never made the Cd release. Other than that I wish nothing but great success for them. Keep up the hard work boys!

  11. This is AlerG (The Singer/Emcee of MLSF). We appreciate the review, and you taking your time to do it, whether we agree with it or not. I can assure you I am the first from the group to comment on this, a fan of ours came across this review and was pissed off about it. We decided to send a message out to our facebook group with a link to the review for them to check out. Anyone who has supported us by buying the album whether $10 or 2 for $5. You have to understand were a self made band who books and promotes all our tours. If you've never been on the road you'd never understand it. Some nights you have to suck it up and sell your shit cheap because your $45 roach infested motel depends on it. Were going to continue to work our asses off and try to better our music with every new song and show we perform. We'll be back in Ohio very shortly, and those who expect to see a show that reflects this review, we look forward to proving it wrong. Thanks for all the love, support, hate and attention.

  12. Seeing as this is just a review of the cd which to me is a bit outdated.

    If you mention to a band that you will take the time to review a cd, waiting a good 8 months or so is'nt really professional.

    What would of helped is instead of going through the process of picking apart each song (meh f' it i dont care anymore is pretty much saying your not very good at your job ) and underlining such bands as Limp Bizkit, The Kottonmouth Kings etc for refrences to what each song does wrong is also another point in doing a wrong review.

    My advice to you in the future would be this.

    Talk about there live show ?? you did say you saw them live, what made you wanna review them in the first place ??

    Did you take anytime to talk to them ?? find out what there about ??

    If anything this review comes off sounding like you were bored one day and you took the time to dust it off.

    I have had the privlage of working with this band before in the summer of 09. Not only did i NOT know them ahead of time, but I took the time to look them up and after working with them I can praise the fact they work there ass off, have a very fun live show and take the time to thank every single person in the crowd.

    Say if you put this cd down, don't touch it for a year. Pop it in one day and find that maybe if you look past all the stuff that bugs you, that it is a fun blend of indy music that does do things right !! and one of them would be not sounding like every other generic 4 minute radio song that gets shoved into our heads everyday.

    Dont label it, enjoy it, if you dont enjoy it, dont tell the band your gunna review there cd.

    As for me, I will continue to play them on the radio and enjoy the fact that not only are the Canadian but also doing what they do cause of the love for the music, is what makeing music is all about.

    P.S. finishing off a review by telling a band to change there name … yah, bad idea.

    You can reach me personally at

    host of The Fresh Meat Radio Show !!

  13. How do you rate Sunset Daze as not worth reviewing. It's a great musical and poetical song. Review is waaaay off

  14. HA! You paid five bucks for our album, and you didn't even like it! Got your money, SUCKA!!!

  15. "not only are they Canadian." What does that mean? Is Canada so devoid of talent you people like any band simply because they're from Canada? Though, you gave us All-anus and Nickleback… so even if you love Mic Lordz, you'll have to do a lot better than that.
    Agreed that a reviewer shouldn't sit on something for 8 months just to trash it, but the musical terrorists of Canada aren't helping either. I'm just glad I don't have to listen to the radio up there apparently.
    And to "anonymous" who said "You bought our CD, now we have your money sucka," thanks for the warning. At least one member has a rational mind, if not a solid comprehension of spell check.

  16. "HA! You paid five bucks for our album, and you didn't even like it! Got your money, SUCKA!!!"

    I do believe the band itself is admitting he paid for crap. Classic.

    And you know, some bands are not successful both live and in recordings. Majority of these "groupies" have mentioned the live show being great. Maybe it is. But this is a review of the ALBUM. Hence the title "Album Review:" It's about the album. NOT live performances.

    Consensus says: good live show, but no good album/song compilation/creation.

  17. "Talk about there live show ?? you did say you saw them live, what made you wanna review them in the first place ??"

    I think this question is answered in the first sentence, genius. Unprofessional as it may be to sit on something for 8 months, it sounds like this band should just stick to asking their friends to write reviews for them instead. When you solicit an impartial opinion… well impartial aside the fact that the writer is about as tired of white boy funk/rap/rock as the rest of world is… you may not always get what you want.
    Also, I have to agree… the band member gloating over someone wasting their money on helping out a band may the most classless thing I've ever seen a band do openly.
    Being from Columbus, I'd just like to suggest you save the rest of us here the same fate and skip our town next time you head out.
    band deal with asshole, drunk girls, idiot drunk guys who oddly seem to love them as much as the drunk girls, and all sorts of pseudo-professional sleaze-bags. that any band might have less than favorable opinions about them is to be expected. To call a reviewer a "sucka" for spending money on your album, when most reviewers wouldn't listen to most shit for free, is disgraceful.
    I don't much care for bands of this genre myself, but I can almost always respect any touring band. Well, "always," until now.
    How about the guy who's girlfriend bought your CD? Say she takes it home and doesn't like it. You're calling her a "sucka" and saying "got your money!"
    What a bunch of clowns.

    I can't say this enough, PLEASE DON'T COME BACK TO COLUMBUS… OR THE UNITED STATES! Stay in Canada with your pseudo-fan sycophants. Those of us who strongly support local music appreciate integrity. Though that may not be required to cross the border, please just stay the hell home until you have some.

  18. Oh Canada.

    AlerG- I am impressed with your demeanor. Criticism is supposed to be constructive, and apparently you get that. Maybe you'll take this into consideration the next time you sit down to write something, leading to an awesome review by the next critic. Either way, nice professionalism.

    However, I cannot say the same for certain fans of yours. When you are in the public's eye, you are fair game. Of course everyone wants a rave review, but even the best musicians have room for improvement.

    I own the CD. It may be because I don't particularly care for funk-style music, or the actual album itself, but this review makes some valid points. I enjoyed watching the show as it was entertaining, but the album was boisterous and mediocre.

    Good luck, I hope you use this review to your advantage and prove us all wrong with your next album. However, you'll have to let me know because I won't be buying it. I learn from my mistakes.


  19. Just came across this band on myspace. They rock, and i'm glad i found them. I'm picking up a copy of this album despite this review.


  20. Just bought Sunset Ammunition off their site and got the new EP free, awesome music, this review is crazy off. wow.

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