A week or so ago, my friend Michelle and I were sitting on her front stoop and talking about all of our musical and artistic friends.
We came to the the conclusion that even though almost everyone we know is artistically inclined, most of them do not have the motivation to do anything with that ability.
So we decided to attempt to change that.
Michelle is an artist, musician, and songwriter.
I am a rather mediocre wordsmith.
but together we are attempting to create a community where artists of all types can come together and compete with one another.
yes, i said compete.
see, having talent without focus is wasted talent. by having a group of people who challenge each other to come up with new ideas, improve old ideas, honestly critique others’ work, and push each other to reach their full potential, we can help each other grow and expand!
currently, Michelle and I are looking at a monthly gathering.
Monthly gatherings are good to start out with, because it gives everyone time to prepare themselves.
you see, each month, anyone who attends must present something they have worked on. It could be a finished work, or a work in progress. It could be a song, a poem, a story, a painting, a sculpture, a quilt, a tapestry, a video, a game… anything.
Anything you are passionate about, anything that you create, is fair game!
so, if you are interested in joining this venture, feel free to contact me for more information. currently, the musicians are the majority, but i hope to change that and make a more even spread of artistic jelly. mmmmm jelly…
we are also working on a name for the group. any ideas for that are welcome too.
Actually sounds Like a great Idea da-trux I would be happy to come along and show off my horrible poetry…