Song Review: Emocide by Yesterday’s Youth

Yesterday’s Youth is a hardcore band. sounds pretty simple, huh? there’s a little more to it than that. the term “hardcore” in music can mean a lot of things these days. It can mean a bunch of little whiney pussies whining about how their pussies hurt.

OR, it can describe a band of violent, drunken bastards who want to smash, crush, and destroy everything in their path.

Yesterday’s Youth is the latter. Their song “Emocide” is about the former.

keep it up guys. we need you.

Yesterday’s Youth don’t slouch in the touring department either. They are always on the road. check them out on Myspace for songs and tour dates and such. Also, i hear their singer will give you a tattoo.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.