Venue Review: Skully’s Music Diner

For those that care, Skully’s is consistently voted, year after year, Columbus’ Best Singles Scene. I have personally witnessed many a drunken hook-up at Skully’s so I can attest to this.

Good points: There is always at least one band worth listening to on any given night. They usually have at least one free concert per week too. They have 18+ shows all the time. Ladies 80’s is a HUGE draw. Coat check in winter. Decent food. Service Industry Night on Tuesdays (Service industry employees pay 1/2 price for drinks). Smoking patios in the front and back.

Bad Points: Only 1 pool table (however, it is located on the balcony, which is awesome), the bartenders can be dicks (or bitches as the case may be). The scenester kids can be either incredibly hilarious or ridiculously annoying. It is impossible to not be accosted by bums if you’re standing out front. I recommend using the back patio to smoke, as it is much larger and enclosed by a fence.

Author: everloss

I'm a dude that writes about stuff on the internet.